Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Youre making yourself look old. And, you dont even know it. - Copeland Coaching

Youre making yourself look old. And, you dont even know it. Theres something you may be doing every day thats making you look old. And, you probably have no idea what it is. Its not your clothes, or your hairstyle, or the AOL e-mail address youre using (although those arent helping either!). What youre doing is subtle, and worst of all, its the way you were taught to do things in school. How could or why would someone teach you to do something incorrectly? All I can say is this the times have changed possibly without you. Now, before I get on a high horse, let me just tell you I learned this lesson the hard way. I want to keep you from learning it the hard way too. Because, its very possible nobody else will point it out to you. Theyll just talk about you when youre not around or wonder to themselves about your intelligence. This sounds like a big deal, doesnt it? Well, this is how I learned my lesson the hard way: When I first launched Copeland Coaching, I wrote my e-book, Breaking The Rules Getting The Job. I used a recommended, fantastic editor who read over the 100 or so draft pages I wrote. She combed through every page in detail, with great care. When she was finished, I asked for general feedback on my writing style. I had never used a professional editor before and was very interested in learning as much as I could. She said something that I never expected to hear. The one thing you really need to stop doing is that you use two spaces after your periods. Wait, what? Nothing about my writing style? Two periods instead of one? But, the teachers in school drilled two periods into my head. This must just be a minor creative difference, I thought. I left the e-book with double spaces and never looked back. About six months later, I had a meeting with the wonderful newspaper I write a column for. I had been writing the column for a few months and with professional writers and editors in the room I again asked the question, Is there anything I could do to improve my writing style? One of the people cringed. He said something along the lines of, Your writing style is good. But, theres one thing that would be great if you could stop doing. You use two periods at the ends of your sentences. We always delete them. This stopped me in my tracks. My mind began to spin. How in the world was this really a thing? How was it a big deal? How is it a pet peeve of professional writers? Where did I go wrong? From the best that I can gather, two spaces were taught for years in school. At some point in time, the standard changed and one space became the norm. Unless you write for a living, you probably werent told about the change. Simply put your two spaces are dating you. I suspect youre like me and dont know. Anytime I tell a client about this standard, theyre always surprised: A. that this is a thing, and B. that anyone cares. They probably ignore my suggestion in this area just like I ignored my first editor. This week, a friend posted on Facebook about this pet peeve with a link to a recent article on Slate.com. It inspired me to write this e-mail to you. Heres how the article begins: Can I let you in on a secret? Typing two spaces after a period is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong. The author goes on to say, What galls me about two-spacers is What Im getting at here is one space versus two spaces is apparently a very controversial issue. And, were being judged. If youre out there applying for jobs, do what Ive done and switch to one space. Dont over think it. Just do it. After some practice, it will become more normal. And, it will prevent you from being the gossip of those who are more up on writing than the average person and who somehow ties your knowledge of this fact to your intelligence. If you were someone who wasnt aware of this issue, Id love to hear from you. Or, if this is also your pet peeve, I want to know. E-mail me your story at Angela@CopelandCoaching.com. Also, dont forget about the Multicultural Career Expo this Sunday, April 12th from NOON to 5 PM at Hilton Memphis. The event is free and open to the public. Both full time job and internship seekers are encouraged to attend. To learn more, and to register online, visit the Multicultural Career Expo website at www.CareerExpoMemphis.com. I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, dont hesitate to reach out to me here. Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If youve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. Happy hunting! Angela Copeland @CopelandCoach

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