Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Are careers fairs worth attending for postgrads University of Manchester Careers Blog

Are careers fairs worth attending for postgrads by Elizabeth Our two big Autumn recruitment fairs are taking place on Wednesday 17th October (Engineering, Science and Technology) and Thursday 18th October (Finance, Business and Management) at Manchester Central (G-Mex as it used to be called). Time is tight but its a difficult job market, so should you go? Here are my views, the short video version (recorded last year), and a longer text version below: So, should you go? It all depends: Yes if employers youd like to work for are attending, and you havent already  met them at  a recent recruitment event. You can find a list of whos attending on our website (Finance etc Fair  attendees and Science etc Fair  attendees). In particular, in a recession where its a very competitive job market, any extra information you can glean to add to your application is worth the effort. No if youre looking for a niche job with a small employer or a job in the non-commercial sector (though we do have some Government departments attending). It tends to be large recruiters who want several graduates/postgraduates who go to the expense of sending someone, so check first so youre not disappointed. Yes if you want to talk about jobs suitable for postgraduates No if you are expecting lots of jobs and promotional material aimed at postgraduates. Confused? Youll probably be disappointed to find out that few exhibitors specifically mention postgraduates in the Fair Guide but that doesnt mean to say they dont want to recruit you. Some of the biggest employers of postgraduates in the country promote their jobs at this time of year simply as graduate jobs, even though we know theyre very keen to speak to postgrads.   This re-inforces some research we did a few years ago at the fairs, when only 2 organisations out of 80 we talked to didnt want postgrads but only 5 specifically targeted postgrads all the rest were perfectly happy to talk to you  but called all their jobs graduate jobs They may have separate career tracks for postgrads, but many will bring you in on the same level as the undergrads. However,   time after time, we hear of postgrads whose careers rapidly outstrip their fellow undergrad new starters, as they prove what they can do with that extra maturity and experience. If you are going to attend one of the fairs, youll get a lot more out of it if you recognise that you may not be able to talk to someone who can give you detailed info on the specific job youre interested in. Youre much more likely to get to talk to a recent graduate who will tell you to look on the website for the specific vacancies. So what can you get out of them? Easy! You get to figure out whether you would want to work for an organisation by the way it treats its recent recruits (and with a bit of luck, the new grads will be unguarded enough to tell you the truth about what its really like at work). Id suggest asking about: What training did they get/do they offer? How do they get measured? (If you find out what the organisation values in its employees, could you realistically expect to deliver the results which will result in fast promotion or increased pay?) Do they know any postgraduates working for the organisation, what jobs are they doing? Whats their boss like? (probably just for the new grads, that one!) What do they think is different about their organisation compared to their competitors Its all good material for that bit in the covering letter or during interview on Why do you want to work for us?. Its so much more impressive to say when I was talking to your RD Manager , rather than well, it says on your website , which every other candidate will have read. And a final tip if you get there earlier, youre more likely to get a reasonable amount of time with exhibitors, you will get to talk to them before they get into their fixed patter mode (where theyre so tired, they just reel off the same thing to everyone they see) , and, of course,  you should get the pick of the freebies. All Postgraduate Careers fair jobs networking

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