Friday, May 8, 2020

Focusing On What You Want - Guest Post By Julia - When I Grow Up

Focusing On What You Want - Guest Post By Julia - When I Grow Up You might remember Julia Ng from a post I wrote last year that described the amazeballs Soul Reading session I had with her. Well, Julia is a current client and Spectacular Sponsor o mine, and Im thrilled that shes sharing today how she worked through a terrifying start o her biz and how she pro-actively created a shift for it to be soul-fulfilling work for her. Amen and hallelujah! In Tokyo, one of the easiest jobs for an English-speaking foreigner to get, is teaching English. Id never thought of myself as a teacher, and being rather introverted, the idea of meeting new people every day… terrifying! BUT it was the best part-time pay for someone on a student visa, and all I seemed to need was a black suit and the ability to smile a lot. Besides, it was just something to tide me over till I found something better. Who knew, it turned out to be a job I loved, and also the setting for some soul-shaking spiritual lessons. After a few months, I gained enough experience (+ popularity ;)) and the school agreed to sponsor my visa, so I started working there full-time. I needed to save money to move to a new apartment, so I put in some pretty long days. For about nine months, I worked six days a week, 10 to 12 lessons back to back, with a lunch break in the middle. Of course, not every lesson got booked, but it was *tiring*. Not because of the hours, but because each day was an emotional roller coaster. Imagine meeting 8-10 people every day, picking up on their energy, having to adjust to it, and then “resetting” yourself every 45 minutes… it was a complete nightmare. Around the same time, I was also learning how to do  Soul Readings. One day, it finally hit me: while I was in control of the lesson, I wasn’t in control of the energy in my space. No wonder I was flat out exhausted every night! So I started playing with ideas on how to make this work. Heres the (very summarized) inner dialogue that took place over a few weeks (To be honest, I only realized this was the process after the fact, oops ;)): J1: What energy do I want to bring to my lessons?   J2: I want to be professional. J1: And what does that mean? J2: It means being fully present… J1: And…?? J2: And helpful… J1: Anything else? ? J2: and compassionate. J1: How do you want your clients to feel when they leave your booth? ? J2: They must learn something new. J1: What else? ? J2: Bonus points if they felt energized by the lesson too. I decided to hold these energies in my space, and also focus on what I wanted my clients to walk away with. The results were eye-opening. My main objective had been to leave work not feeling drained, but remembering to hold own my energetic space gave me some surprise bonuses too: 1. I got more clients I enjoyed working with (Yay~) 2. The clients who weren’t a good match drifted away (Not gonna pretend I wasnt overjoyed. Double YAY!~) 3. My  booking rate also improved (when youre in a factory, it *is* a popularity contest) 4. I could work the schedule *I* wanted to 5. Every day, I almost literally  bounced in and out of work Even then, there were a couple of students who made me groan whenever I saw they had booked a lesson. I reminded myself to stay aligned to those energies I had chosen… when I remembered, heh. Amazingly, at some point, something shifted, and their lessons started going more smoothly, and I was even quite happy to catch up with them. Now, I’m grateful to them for helping me see how essential it is for us to stay aligned to the energies we want to see in our interactions. More importantly, they allowed me to experience firsthand that all the energies of the Universe were available to me. I didnt need anyone to send me good vibes for things to change. I  was able to bring in these energies. All by my short little self! ?? So, dear wonderful readers of the WIGU blog, if you know what you want, tune in to those energies and bring them into your life. However you choose to bring in those energies, is the perfect way for you. You dont even need anyone to send you good vibes. Because you are more than enough.  The spark is already there within you.  What energies do you want to bring into your life today? Share in the comments below! p.s. thank you for allowing me to share this with you writing this has helped me realize some bits about my biz and me too! m(^_^)m Julia is a proponent of Change, In Spite Of Whatever and works with people who want to see their Big Picture + express their purpose into this world.   She loves the spaces between paradoxes, especially where the intangible meets the practical, and relishes playing detective to find peoples Superpowers. In the last month, two people said she was no bullshit and another called her Goddess of No Mercy. Shes not *that* scary (just a little) and wishes fructose-free ice-cream was a real currency. Learn practical ways to work with the Universes energies in your everyday life at  The Lucid Path.

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